Forest for the trees

Everyone has a certain tolerance for complaining. Similarly, everyone has a point when their tolerance is exceeded. I have firmly decided that my tolerance...

Oxy literal morons

What a great time to be an employee right now. So much leverage, so many options, and still too few employers who have a...

True patriot laziness, grumpiness, and freedom

Remembrance Day is fast approaching in two short days. We don’t claim to “celebrate” Remembrance Day, but instead, we “commemorate” it, which really means...

Night and dusk

Isn’t it fascinating how big of a difference in community quality and spirit a local government can make? This month officially marks one year...

9AM to Thursday

A residential street used as a racetrack. What else is new? Last week, an anonymous social media post from a Kemptville resident brought to...

A bath with a toaster

Curiosity is not a sin. Humans are curious by nature, and being curious is a driving force behind learning and discovering. There will always...

Free to be ruled

I don’t normally answer or comment on contributors’ submissions to the Times. I have plenty of voice within this newspaper after all, and there...

Symphony of embarrassment

Living in the “Ottawa area”, it can sometimes feel like stupid federal government decisions (and there sure are a lot of them) are “our...

What are those three Merrickville Councillors trying to prove?

Our municipal neighbour to the west is drawing attention – national attention, as it turns out – for its Council’s decision to defeat a...

Go buy some wood

We’ve all heard that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. It’s such a common expression because it’s such a good one....