Michael Barrett crusades against Trudeau

It seems our local Member of Parliament, Michael Barrett, has found a cause. As Opposition Spokesperson for Ethics, he has joined with that warm and...

Dazed and confused

I wonder: has the world just gone mad, or was it always like this, but we didn’t notice? Whatever you think of the trucker...

Jailhouse blues

The news that the provincial government are planning a major correctional facility in Kemptville came as a genuine shock to the community. Even the...

X does not equal X

Small towns talk, and they love to talk about bad drivers. Sure, people who live and work in large cities can’t drive either, but...

Please, Mister Postman

Being a growing community, still finding the balance between a traditional rural and contemporary urban population, North Grenville is losing some of that old...

Stand by me

I have lost count of the number of letters to the editor, articles, and social media posts that have been generated since the announcement...
The NG Times Newspaper

The Future

Lots happening in North Grenville these days. The announcement of a new hotel coming to Kemptville is an exciting development for all sectors of...
The NG Times Newspaper


Something happened last week in our municipal elections, we’re just not sure yet what it was. There was a fear in some quarters that...

Confidentiality vs the need for transparency

A couple of weeks ago, many local news sources reported the loss of Brian Carré as North Grenville’s CAO. Brian had been CAO since 2012 and had become a staple...
The NG Times Newspaper

Forever blowing bubbles

We are into the last year of this Council’s term of office, so we can expect lots of interesting things to be seen and...