Pressing on

What a strange world we’re living in. One day, history books will be written about these days and the amazing global experience we’re all...
The NG Times Newspaper

When I’m 64

When the Beatles released the Sgt. Pepper album back in 1967, I was 12 years old and a major fan of the band (still...

The time that is given to us

It’s odd how things can come together in your mind (my mind, anyway). A few days ago, we marked Thanksgiving, a time when families...

Tis the season to be normalish

Christmas is on the horizon. Such a wonderful time of year! The holiday season brings joy for many reasons, but first and foremost is...

Night and dusk

Isn’t it fascinating how big of a difference in community quality and spirit a local government can make? This month officially marks one year...
The NG Times Newspaper

Who’s next

by Deron Johnston It’s finally over. Gazebogate appears to have ended with what could be best described as a whimper. At the Council meeting of...
The NG Times Newspaper

The Future

Lots happening in North Grenville these days. The announcement of a new hotel coming to Kemptville is an exciting development for all sectors of...
The NG Times Newspaper

Just like starting over

Everyone has heard about the old Chinese curse: “May you live in interesting times”. Well, consider yourself well and truly cursed. It’s hard to...

We can work it out

Well, just two weeks into the new decade, and things are becoming really interesting. We could have had a major war in the Gulf,...

Rights and privileges

There are certain rights and freedoms we value in Canada, perhaps especially in North Grenville. After all, we have had experience in the past...