Standing on guard

In late June that year, word got round that there was a young foreign family newly-arrived in town. They were staying in a hotel...
The NG Times Newspaper

You’ve got a friend

Can you remember a time before the Internet, Facebook, Google, Instagram, and all those other ubiquitous aspects of modern life? It seems like they’ve...

9AM to Thursday

A residential street used as a racetrack. What else is new? Last week, an anonymous social media post from a Kemptville resident brought to...

Who knows where the time goes?

Time plays strange tricks on us. Last week, without warning, it struck me that it has been forty years since John Lennon was murdered....

The fool on the hill

I understand we’re in a federal election campaign, yes? I may seem a little confused, but, to be honest, the whole election thing seems...

Are we really sheep?

Remember when we used to travel? So many times, at the airport, I was removed from the lineup up at the security gate for...

Strange fruit

This is our annual Heritage Week issue, marking Heritage Week in Ontario, and Heritage Month in North Grenville. Clearly, heritage is a big deal...

Time to talk

As readers will note this week, there has been some confusion in Council about a number of issues and Mayor Nash has been somewhat...

Oh time, wherefore art thou?

For those who haven’t watched the video of the July 12 Council meeting, I recommend you do so. For those without access to sufficient...
The NG Times Newspaper

Just a song before I go

By the time you read this, dear reader, yours truly will, in the grace of God, be far away from North Grenville, and even...