10.5 C

A better vision for Kemptville

by Victor Lachance If you’re like me, when the provincial government announced its plan for a prison in Kemptville, you were curious about its implications...

Handcuffs deployed successfully

Big box retail shopping in this country has nearly come full circle. Remember the days of great customer service at big box chain stores?...

A lonely pizza slice

I love a good riddle, don’t you? Here’s one: “I am valuable, but I am hated. I am sought after, but I am chased...

Anyone who had a heart

I love a good murder mystery on television, and the Brits make the best ones. From George Gently to Inspector Frost, from Cadfael to...

Mixed up confusion

This is a strange time for the Municipality of North Grenville. On the one hand, public energy has helped prevent the closure of the...

Standing on the shoulders of others

I grew up on a farm where my mother raised six children on her own, including four girls who grew up to become very...
The NG Times Newspaper

Changing of the guards

This may seem a little premature, but we need to start thinking about the next municipal election. It doesn’t actually happen until October 22...
The NG Times Newspaper


We do live in interesting times, which, as you may know, is considered a curse in some cultures. In an incredibly fast process, the...

Terry Butler

This community has lost a champion with the passing of Terry Butler. Someone who gave so much in time, energy and sheer hard work...

Our house

Be honest, now. Are you tired of reading and hearing about how wonderful a place to live in is North Grenville? Forget it! This...