8.7 C

The Harp and the Maple Leaf

The impact of the Irish on Canada goes well beyond the immigrants who arrived here in droves throughout the Nineteenth Century. Most of those...

Demolition of the mill that gave Oxford Mills its name

These show the demolition of the mill that gave Oxford Mills its name. This was the site of the stone grist mill, started by...

Beginning to see the light

Towards the end of the nineteenth century, a major social and technological revolution was happening across Canada, and beginning to impact on life in...


It seems that quite a crime spree took place in Kemptville in the summer of 1872, according to an Ottawa newspaper. There was no...

Rideau Canal saga

Nearly 190 years ago, on May 22, 1832, the steamboat, “Rideau”, also known by its nickname, “Pumper”, left the dock in Kingston to make...

The Block house: a Rideau Canal icon

The Block house beside the Rideau Canal locks is one of the most iconic of Merrickville’s sights. Built 185 years ago, in 1832, it...

Merrickville 225:Those were the days

With talk of municipal amalgamations being heard in various quarters today, it is always interesting to look back to a time when the Township...

The Settlement that passed us by: Part 5 – Settling the land

Although Oxford Township, and later Wolford also, were originally chosen as the site for the Military Settlement planned by the Crown after the War...

Echoes of Kemptville Past update

by Melanie Low As a follow up to my original post concerning my antique book The Popular Art Instructor, inscribed "Maggie C. Banks Kemptville 1887",...

A Kemptville Miscellany

Did you know that.... when Lyman Clothier first set foot in what was to become Kemptville, the entire population of Oxford Township was just...