Old Town Kemptville BIA


Though the Old Town Kemptville BIA is anxiously awaiting the municipal elections, we are still forging ahead with projects and activities. As you are surely aware, the BIA is a committee of Municipal Council and we dissolve along with the old Council at election time. We of the BIA hope that our new Council will have a prevailing interest in sound and well planned economic development not only for the downtown but for all of North Grenville. North Grenville and Kemptville have so much potential, as many folks who are moving into our community are completely aware of and willing to participate in, given a chance.

Leading up to the holiday season, we have two events that have been well anticipated and very popular with everyone over the years. The first one is Kreepy Kemptville, which will take place this year on Saturday, October 27. This is a great time for wee ones to try on their costumes and have the downtown businesses enjoy their company. We get Tiggers and Pooh Bears, young dragons and pussy cats walking around with their parents, who all have a huge smile on their face on that day. Of course, these young ‘uns have baskets and bags to collect their goodies.

And then, Saturday, December 8 is the preparation for the festive season in the form of the Kids’ Christmas Downtown, which runs from 11 am to 2 pm. This again is a huge amount of fun for families, with special treats available and some old guy in a red suit showing up…

So, even though the BIA will be reforming after the October Municipal election, there is still a lot for us to do leading up to the new year. One of the things we are looking forward to is enlisting more folks in the Friends of the Downtown. From past experience, we truly believe that generosity is a defining feature of the community of Kemptville and the surrounding area. We think that it is a part of the attraction to people who are looking for a place to live, start a family or retire. We are also even more confident that it’s a feature that keeps people in the community: they enjoy the company they are in when volunteering.

Volunteering is about other people – their wants, their needs, their hopes, and their dreams. There are many ways to get involved as a volunteer, such as helping out with events (we could have more if we had more volunteers). Volunteering is never for you; it’s for others. It’s about community and the connections that get fostered through contributing. When you give of your time, you get a lot back.

So, please think about what you might do in this new year: the psychological new year of Canadians that starts after Labour Day; or the calendar new year that begins after the celebration of the festive season. One thing is for sure: your help, your involvement will be deeply appreciated. So, become a Friend of Downtown and give us a bit of your time.



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