FASD off to see the Sens


by Robert More

On Saturday, January 5, at 1 pm, 40 members of the Rural FASD Support Network will be attending the Ottawa Senator/ Minnesota Wild game which for most of them is their first game. These members include children, teenagers and young adults who are living with confirmed or suspected Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Inspired by the recent sensory friendly hockey games by USA Hockey, the Rural FASD Support Network approached the Ottawa Senators Accessibility Department to see if a solution could be found for these children to also attend a hockey game. Through discussion, a solution was found that meets the needs of muffled sound, isolation from crowds, dimmed lighting and space to move with their caregivers and support people.

These incredibly courageous children, like the other 4% of people living within our country with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, live with constant mental health challenges, difficulty with sensory stimuli, routine changes, sleep challenges and anxiety but believe with education, support and compassion, they too can have a bright future.

The Rural FASD Support Network provides support, sensory friendly activities and advocacy for any individual living with FASD and their caregivers in Eastern Ontario. For more information, please contact us at ruralfasd@gmail.com, or go to our Facebook page.


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