Help Support Local News with a Voluntary Subscription

The North Grenville Times is part of the community. We provide a platform which gives residents a voice and an insight into events and developments in the municipality, and beyond. We spend time in the community, talking to local residents, covering school and government issues, and writing about issues that most of our readers find interesting.

Because the costs of production and delivery increase every year, we need your help to remain a viable local news source. Our advertisers can no longer shoulder the entire burden. To that end, we are introducing voluntary subscriptions, as we look to diversify revenue streams. Help us to maintain door-to-door delivery, which is an increasingly expensive undertaking and a major cost for any newspaper.

Let us stress: this is entirely voluntary and all North Grenville residents will continue to receive the North Grenville Times in their mailbox.

You will always – each and every week – receive your copy of The North Grenville Times          THAT WILL NOT CHANGE!!!!

Other Ways to Pay:

IN PERSON: If you prefer, you may pay in person at our office by cashcheque, or credit card.  Our office is located at 215 Sanders St, Suite 106, Kemptville, ON .
Hours are Tuesday-Thursday, 9AM to 3PM.

BY PHONE: You may also pay over the phone with a credit card by calling us during the hours above at 613-215-0735.

BY MAIL: You may subscribe by sending a cheque to: Box 1854, Kemptville, ON  K0G 1J0. Be sure to include your contact information (phone, e-mail and/or address)

BY E-TRANSFER: send to Be sure to include your contact information (phone, e-mail and/or address)

If you have questions about subscribing, call us at 613-215-0735 or

We’re local like you – thanks for supporting the news!

One year voluntary subscription: $45.14 + HST (13%) = $51.00