UCDSB Releases 2017-2018 Director’s Annual Report to the Community


The 2017-2018 Director’s Annual Report, entitled “Preparing Students for a Successful Life”, was presented to trustees on Wednesday, December 5. The report details how we are championing effective instruction, promoting collaboration with our communities, distributing our resources equitably, and enhancing the wellness of our students.
“This report tells our story and demonstrates how we are enhancing the lives of our students by providing them with learning opportunities that are relevant and engaging,” says Director of Education Stephen Sliwa. “It shows the steps we have taken, on behalf of the Board of Trustees, to demonstrate to our students, our employees and our communities that we value them, and outlines our commitment to teaching, learning, and wellness.”

The report cites detailed progress by the Board under four key areas of our CREW Strategic Plan: Collaboration, Resources, Educational Programs and Wellness. CREW helps the entire school district to focus our efforts in these areas to improve the student experience within our schools.

Successes under Collaboration outlined in the 2017-2018 report includes the Board’s Educational Service Agreement with the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education, and the Stay on Course 4 Communities Program at Morrisburg Public School. The report demonstrates our efficient use of resources through initiatives such as the Sweet’s Corners Elementary School athletic track project, among others. Examples of our quality educational programming are the Indigenous Education Program, improvement planning that emphasizes improvement in math and literacy for our students, and our Skills Ontario Green Energy Challenge. Achievements under wellness described in the report include the Board’s Mental Health Strategy, our school running clubs and other activities that instill lifelong fitness habits in students.

A full copy of the report can be found on the UCDSB website: http://www.ucdsb.on.ca.


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